Promo clip "Mila Jogustival" with Armin and Thomas Zöggeler


Watch Armin Zöggeler, the sledge legend, together with his son Thomas in our new videoclip about Mila's great yoghurt festival called Jogustival. The Festival is organized by Mila and mirSarner. Admire the great talent of Thomas Zöggeler as an actor. In the movie Thomas takes the role of his own father in the year 1977. In that year the first Mila yoghurt was filled in. Each great success starts with a dream. Armin Zöggeler wanted to become the fastest man on earth with his sledge, Mila wished to transform the fine alpine pastures' milk into tasty and creamy yoghurts. In the last 40 years the dream of both came true. We are glad to celebrate 40 years of yoghurt tradition. Celebrate with us from 9th to 11th June in Sarnthein/Sarentino in the heart of South Tyrol.

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